搜索"卡拉拉·伊莎娃" ,找到 部影视作品

This is a very bizarre fairy tale. It commences with a wedding and singing and dancing but nearly the whole village is wiped out by wolves. The bride gives birth to a daughter several months later and promises her to the boy who saved her.   Ten years later there is another disruption when Some circus folk come by and the villagers trick them into staying. Tragedy ensues...   This has a strange cast, dwarfs, giants, priests and occasional intrusions from the modern world in the form of the police and a wonderer who returns bringing to the village the good news of Nostradamus. It is a long film but it honestly does not drag. and if you get bored of the plot you can always look at the sumptuous Countryside.
冷漠的面孔,行进的人群,那一抹抹红色点缀着布拉格街头的寒冷,让温暖流淌在匆忙的交错过往之间。   车站自是离别伤感之所,身为道桥扳道员的父亲(Vladimír Javorský 饰)抱着儿子拉多(Ladislav Ondrej 饰)穿梭在离别的人群之中,看他们喜乐哀伤诀别亲人、诀别爱人、诀别曾留下足迹的城市。   父子俩的生活简单质朴,幸福却从未因家庭的不完整而有半点缺失。儿子祈求第二天去父亲的工作场所,谁曾想这却是一个改变很多人一生的约定……   本片荣获2003年棕榈泉国际短片电影节最佳影片奖、2003美国温馨电影展(HeartLand Film Festival)水晶心奖。