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52岁的凯撒(雷克斯•哈里森 Rex Harrison 饰)以罗马执行官的身份驾临埃及,为了解决王室姐弟争位的事端。皇姐克里奥佩特拉(伊丽莎白•泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)美艳绝伦,凭借自身的魅力和政治手腕,迅速让凯撒拜倒在她的石榴裙下,不但获得了对埃及的统治权,而且还以美貌征服了罗马。   克氏与凯撒完婚后,为其产下一子,深得凯撒喜欢,被立为继承人。但此事引起了凯撒手下大将安东尼(理查德•伯顿 Richard Burton 饰)与屋大维(罗迪•麦克道尔 Roddy McDowall 饰)的不满。在凯撒遇刺驾崩之后,安东尼接掌了罗马的统治权,但他同样无法抵挡克氏的绝世美貌。当安东尼彻底沉溺于暴风雨般爱情的时候,身在罗马的屋大维已经吹响了夺权的号角……
毒贩克里斯的妻子带走了三百万美元和他们的儿子逃跑,克里斯在打探妻子下落的过程中枪杀了一名知情者,这起凶杀案令追查了克里斯多年的警探金宝(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)终有机会将其收押,然而如令克里斯认罪伏法,金宝还必须找到他的妻子作为重要证人。警方掌握的线索及其有限,金宝和女同事只得来到某小镇,卧底装扮成老师来寻找就读于幼儿园的克里斯之子。因女同事急病,金宝只得独挑重任,和一群十分不安分的小鬼头打交道,同校的女教师乔伊丝(佩内洛普·安·米勒 Penelope Ann Miller 饰)和金宝之间擦出了火花。金宝的教师生涯渐渐顺风顺水,而这时,克里斯妻子与儿子的身份浮出水面,令金宝颇感意外……
17岁女孩安妮爱上了中学里最受欢迎的女生萨沙,并为此颇为苦恼。当她把这件事告诉了她的男闺蜜克里夫顿后,一直暗恋她的克里夫顿想尽办法进行阻挠。   本片由Kerem Sanga自编自导,根据其妹妹的真实经历改编。
工程师彼特(大卫·摩斯 David Morse 饰)被武装分子绑架,罪犯要求彼特的雇主支付六百万美元的赎金,面对数额如此巨大的赎金,皮特的雇主回绝了绑匪的要求,保险公司亦采取了回避的态度。丈夫遭遇如此不幸,四处求助无门的爱丽丝(梅格·瑞恩 Meg Ryan 饰)最终找到了谈判专家特瑞(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰),这也是她能够找到的最后一根救命稻草。   在和绑匪谈判的过程中,特瑞发现整个绑架事件并没有他所想象的那么简单,与此同时,常年在婚姻中遇冷的爱丽丝对于稳重可靠的特瑞产生了真挚的感情。最后的期限眼看着就要到来,特瑞能够顺利的营救出彼特吗?他和爱丽丝之间的感情又是否能够有一个圆满的结局呢?
罗马,夏日,一队穿梭其中的游客。这座美得令人窒息的古老城池,正以一种神秘而冷艳的姿态诱惑着他们,让人心甘情愿地被这份精致得令人绝望的美丽所俘获,沉醉其中。然而在捷普·甘巴尔代拉(托尼·瑟维洛 Toni Servillo 饰)眼中,罗马却是一座寂寞之都。65岁的捷普是一名成功记者,风度翩翩、魅力十足。年轻时代撰写的一本文学作品让他在早年就名利双收。他辗转在各样肆意妄为的奢靡与觥筹交错的社交之中,用一双冷酷到几近麻木的双眼,目睹这座绝美之城背后的空虚与隐秘。当女高音的咏叹调再次响起,游走在平民生活与上层社会之间的捷普,开始重拾那些逝去的青春记忆,只有罗马之城仍依旧着她的冷漠与华美,不曾改变。   本片斩获2014年第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片及2014年第71届金球奖最佳外语片两项大奖,并入围2013年第66届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元-金棕榈奖。
In 1987, NASA astronaut Captain William "Buck" Rogers (Gil Gerard) is piloting the space shuttle Ranger 3 when he flies into an unexpected space phenomenon and is frozen for 504 years. In the year 2491, his shuttle is found drifting in space by the alien flagship Draconia, which is headed to Earth for a trade conference, under the command of Princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley) and her aide-de-camp, Kane (Henry Silva), a former native of Earth. Rogers is revived from his cryogenic sleep and is questioned by the princess and Kane. Princess Ardala is visibly attracted to Buck, though Kane arranges for Buck to be placed back on his shuttle and returned towards Earth.   It turns out that the Draconians are actually planning to conquer Earth through staged pirate attacks on Earth's shipping fleet, forcing Earth to seek a treaty with the Draconians and unwittingly opening up their defenses to the invaders. They plant a homing beacon aboard Rogers' shuttle to track a way through Earth's planet-wide defense shield. Buck lands in New Chicago and is immediately taken into custody by Colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Gray), commander of Earth's military forces. He is interrogated and learns that Earth has been rebuilt over the centuries in his absence following a nuclear holocaust, and now much of Earth outside this huge city is a desolate, radioactive wasteland. Over the course of his time in detention, Buck meets Dr. Elias Huer (Tim O'Connor) the leader of Earth's Defense Directorate, the AI computer Dr. Theopolis, and the robot drone Twiki (voice of Mel Blanc), most of whom attempt to help him adjust to his current surroundings.   While recounting his encounter with the Draconians, Buck notices several discrepancies and suspects that the Draconians must be armed, contrary to the terms of the trade meeting. Against advice, Buck ventures outside the city to the ruins of old Chicago in an attempt to find out that what he has been told is real, eventually finding his own parents' grave and having to be rescued by Wilma and her troops from the mutants inhabiting the ruins. Following Buck's return to the Inner City, the Draconian tracking device is found aboard his shuttle, and the authorities accuse Buck of espionage and sentence him to death. Buck claims that the Draconians simply used him, and eventually Wilma persuades Dr. Huer to prove Buck's claims by requesting a meeting with Princess Ardala and Kane aboard the Draconia. During the meeting, the pirate ships (actually Draconian marauders) attack their flagship as a diversion, but Buck manages to destroy them single-handedly, thus earning Wilma's respect.   At the official diplomatic reception on Earth, Ardala, still attracted to Buck, invites him back to the Draconia. Buck uses the invitation to go aboard and find out the truth behind the Draconians' scheme. On the ship, Ardala informs Buck she needs a man such as him to rule by her side and offers Buck the position. After drugging Ardala, Buck explores the ship and discovers their marauders and plans to launch an imminent attack on Earth. Dr. Theopolis and Twiki, who have followed Buck aboard, eventually meet up with him and alert Earth to the Draconian invasion. Wilma immediately scrambles Earth's starfighters and attacks the Draconia, while Buck sabotages the Draconian marauders prepared to attack Earth and fights off Ardala's bodyguard, Tigerman. During the battle, the Draconia is critically damaged, but Buck, Theopolis and Twiki are rescued by Wilma before the ship explodes. Ardala and Kane also escape before the Draconia's destruction in an escape shuttle, while Kane vows to return and to take his revenge on Rogers.by:www.mke6.com