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狙击手比吉特是海军陆战队的绝密武器,“一粒子弹、一条人命”是他的座右铭。在他那悠长又极富趣味性的职业生涯里,肯定已有超过七十条人命被他夺走。身为美国海军陆战队最具传奇性的狙击手,他每一次的任务是精确地瞄准、然后扣下狙击长枪的板机,一颗子弹从远距离飞至夺走一个毒犯/战犯/刺客/国家敌人的"贱命"。但今次,他的枪口却被逼瞄向他的一个朋友……   燕迹秦清。
从长达一个世纪的沉睡中醒来后,吸血鬼Phum发现吸血鬼的土地已经禁止x世代吸血鬼谈恋爱。新法律不适合Phum,他邀请他的一帮亲密朋友Sen,Run,Mix和Jolie逃到人类的土地上,在那里人们有更多的自由。然而,实现这一目标并不容易。他们需要把他们的名字写在生命的圣经上他们平行人类自我的身体,意识到可能会有后果。Phum发现自己过着一个心碎的年轻人的生活。当他遇到秘密酒吧的老板帕特里克,并最终为他工作时,人类世界的生活变得混乱不堪。   After waking from a century-long sleep, vampire Phum finds that the land of vampires has banned gen-x vampires from falling in love. The new law doesn't suit Phum and he invites his gang of close friends—Sen, Run, Mix and Jolie—to flee to the land of humans where people have more freedom. Getting there, however, won't be easy. They'll need to put their names down in the Bible of Life and take the bodies of their parallel human selves, mindful that there may be consequences.   Phum finds himself living the life of a broken-hearted young man. Life in the land of humans is turning out to be a chaotic undertaking when he meets Patrick, the owner of a secret bar, and ends up working for him.