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故事发生在位于美国密西西比州的一座小镇之中,这是一座民风非常闭塞的小镇,每个人都有着自己的生活和秘密,互不干涉,也很少往来。约翰(乔什·斯图沃特 Josh Stewart 饰)和罗熙(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)是一对生活在小镇上的夫妻,罗熙有一个爱好,那就是用望远镜从窗户往外偷看,哪知道自己的这一小小的举动竟然会为自己招来致命危机。   一次偶然中,罗熙在望远镜中撞破了邻居的黑暗秘密,当约翰回到家中时,等待着他的只有空空如也的屋子,罗熙失踪了。通过种种的蛛丝马迹判断,罗熙的失踪和邻居有着千丝万缕的关联,摸索到了邻居家的约翰发现了一间隐秘的地下室。
远离尘嚣的一座封闭谷仓内,安娜(劳拉·范德沃特 Laura Vandervoort 饰)、赖安(保罗·布朗斯坦 Paul Braunstein 饰)、米奇(曼德拉·范·皮布尔斯 Mandela Van Peebles 饰)和卡莉(布列塔尼·艾伦 Brittany Allen 饰)从昏迷中醒来。他们的头部被奇怪的装置束缚,颈上的铁链连接着安装了圆锯的铁门。在竖锯的指示下,他们将经历一场场痛彻骨髓的生死考验,并在死神的屠刀面前低头认罪。   繁华都市中,以各种方式惨死的尸体接连出现,共同特征全部指向了拼图杀人案的制造者——本该在十年前死去的竖锯约翰·克莱默(托宾·贝尔 Tobin Bell 饰)。竖锯不死,给予背德者以至痛的责罚和审判……
颓废堕落的中年人藤岛昭和(役所广司 饰)也曾拥有幸福美满的家庭,身为刑警的他因暴打前妻桐子(黑泽明日香 饰)的情人而被迫提前退休。在看不见未来的最低端,他接到桐子打来的电话,原来藤岛的女儿加奈子(小松菜奈 饰)已失踪多日。出于复杂的感情,这个粗鲁凶暴的男人风风火火展开调查,他走访了加奈子身边的人,包括高中同学森下(桥本爱 饰)和长野(森川葵 饰)、班主任东里惠(中谷美纪 饰)以及精神科医生辻村(国村隼 饰),从这些人的口中,却发现女儿天使般的外表下似乎住着一个可以让所有人堕落乃至遭遇不幸的魔鬼。藤岛全速奔跑 ,另一伙危险的人马也介入进来……   本片根据深町秋生的推理小说《无尽的渴望》改编。
2013年,泰国大选进入到最紧张的阶段,自由党主席丹迪•雷发表了振奋人心的演说,他承诺当选后停建祸国殃民的核电站,由此得到选民的支持,成功击败人民党,当选新一届的泰国总理。然而政客的承诺从来都不值钱,随着丹迪•雷的践祚,仅仅三年泰国上空便被阴云笼罩,罪恶贪婪如病毒般肆意蔓延到每一个角落,曼谷成为臭名昭著的国际化犯罪之都。在社会道德沦丧到无以复加的地步,一个人们心底期盼已久的英雄横空出世。他就是红鹰侠(阿南达·爱华灵咸 Ananda Everingham 饰),游走于法律之外,身怀绝技,嫉恶如仇,对待罪大恶极的腐坏分子绝不手软。与此同时,头号罪犯马杜里正率领手下进行一项罪不可赦的核武计划,红鹰侠的存在恰恰成为阻挡他计划实施的障碍。   百姓和政府的矛盾愈加激烈,为民请愿的红鹰侠冲在最前段……
电影聚焦于导致清除计划发生的原因,讲述了由于人口膨胀,社会问题加剧,一个名为New Founding Fathers of America的组织进行了一种社会学理论测试,即在某一孤立的社区进行为时一晚的发泄、攻击、侵略,促成社区人们之间的相互残杀。这一制度在全美推广,一时间马路街道都成为了杀戮的战场。故事的荒谬性吸引了大量观众,第一年的杀戮日就要降临,恶魔们都已经准备好了。
In 1987, NASA astronaut Captain William "Buck" Rogers (Gil Gerard) is piloting the space shuttle Ranger 3 when he flies into an unexpected space phenomenon and is frozen for 504 years. In the year 2491, his shuttle is found drifting in space by the alien flagship Draconia, which is headed to Earth for a trade conference, under the command of Princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley) and her aide-de-camp, Kane (Henry Silva), a former native of Earth. Rogers is revived from his cryogenic sleep and is questioned by the princess and Kane. Princess Ardala is visibly attracted to Buck, though Kane arranges for Buck to be placed back on his shuttle and returned towards Earth.   It turns out that the Draconians are actually planning to conquer Earth through staged pirate attacks on Earth's shipping fleet, forcing Earth to seek a treaty with the Draconians and unwittingly opening up their defenses to the invaders. They plant a homing beacon aboard Rogers' shuttle to track a way through Earth's planet-wide defense shield. Buck lands in New Chicago and is immediately taken into custody by Colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Gray), commander of Earth's military forces. He is interrogated and learns that Earth has been rebuilt over the centuries in his absence following a nuclear holocaust, and now much of Earth outside this huge city is a desolate, radioactive wasteland. Over the course of his time in detention, Buck meets Dr. Elias Huer (Tim O'Connor) the leader of Earth's Defense Directorate, the AI computer Dr. Theopolis, and the robot drone Twiki (voice of Mel Blanc), most of whom attempt to help him adjust to his current surroundings.   While recounting his encounter with the Draconians, Buck notices several discrepancies and suspects that the Draconians must be armed, contrary to the terms of the trade meeting. Against advice, Buck ventures outside the city to the ruins of old Chicago in an attempt to find out that what he has been told is real, eventually finding his own parents' grave and having to be rescued by Wilma and her troops from the mutants inhabiting the ruins. Following Buck's return to the Inner City, the Draconian tracking device is found aboard his shuttle, and the authorities accuse Buck of espionage and sentence him to death. Buck claims that the Draconians simply used him, and eventually Wilma persuades Dr. Huer to prove Buck's claims by requesting a meeting with Princess Ardala and Kane aboard the Draconia. During the meeting, the pirate ships (actually Draconian marauders) attack their flagship as a diversion, but Buck manages to destroy them single-handedly, thus earning Wilma's respect.   At the official diplomatic reception on Earth, Ardala, still attracted to Buck, invites him back to the Draconia. Buck uses the invitation to go aboard and find out the truth behind the Draconians' scheme. On the ship, Ardala informs Buck she needs a man such as him to rule by her side and offers Buck the position. After drugging Ardala, Buck explores the ship and discovers their marauders and plans to launch an imminent attack on Earth. Dr. Theopolis and Twiki, who have followed Buck aboard, eventually meet up with him and alert Earth to the Draconian invasion. Wilma immediately scrambles Earth's starfighters and attacks the Draconia, while Buck sabotages the Draconian marauders prepared to attack Earth and fights off Ardala's bodyguard, Tigerman. During the battle, the Draconia is critically damaged, but Buck, Theopolis and Twiki are rescued by Wilma before the ship explodes. Ardala and Kane also escape before the Draconia's destruction in an escape shuttle, while Kane vows to return and to take his revenge on Rogers.by:www.mke6.com
/ 胡杨/
怀才不遇的编剧的亨利(蒂尔·施威格 Til Schweiger饰)本来过着放荡不羁的单身生活,可却被一个相貌可爱古灵精怪的八岁女孩儿玛德莲娜(爱玛·施威格 Emma Schweiger饰)打破,还自称是他的女儿。半路杀出的“女儿”原来是八年前一夜情的结晶,毫无经验的亨利只能硬着头皮照料这位天降“女儿”。与此同时,亨利接到一桩改编畅销小说的大案子,跟他共同执笔的竟然是旧情人凯萨琳娜(雅斯明·格拉特 Jasmin Gerat饰)。亨利本想趁此良机追回最爱,可是调皮的玛德莲娜夹在中间,闹出了一连串啼笑皆非却温情满满的小插曲。   亨利能否用拿手菜“红酒烩鸡”赢得小“女儿”的喜爱,又是否能复燃这段来之不易的爱情呢?   本片荣获2011德国电影年度卖座冠军。
The Saphead is a 1920 comedy film featuring Buster Keaton. It was the actor's first starring role in a full-length feature and the film that launched his career.   The plot was a merging of two stories, Bronson Howard's play The Henrietta and the novel The New Henrietta by Victor Mapes and Winchell Smith, which was meant to be an adaption of Howard's play.