搜索"米克洛什·B·塞凯伊" ,找到 部影视作品

卢迪(凯内尔·穆德卢佐 Kornél Mundruczó 饰)从小就成长在孤儿院中,他刚一出生就被父母无情的抛弃了,从来都没有感受过亲情的滋味。17岁时,对父母的思念在卢迪的内心里愈演愈烈,他决定动身去寻找他们的踪迹。但很快,残酷的现实就让卢迪知道,他的存在对于他的亲人们来说或许并非一件好事。   一次偶然中,卢迪得到了一次试镜的机会。导演被卢迪身上所散发出来的阴郁气质深深的吸引了,认为他就是扮演自己电影里角色的不二人选。可是造化弄人,导演并不知道,眼前的这个年轻人,正是他早些年间抛弃的儿子。
György Fehér是匈牙利电影长镜头学派的另一位大师级导演,与杨索属同代人,可惜他的作品很少而且极难看到。。。   If you like to see what movies are really about (i.e. moving)you should see szurkulet. This highly original and intense film is an exercise in style 'pur sang'. The story is loosely based on 'es geschah am hellichten Tag' by Friedrich Durrenmatt. But how the story is told is the most important part here. In a shadowish black and white twilight we see the story unfold in very (and I mean very) slow moving breathtaking camera movements over different scenes. This means that the whole movie exists out of less then 50 shots, without making unnessecary cuts. Orson Wells eat your heart out. Every scene tells the viewer another part of the puzzle and so the story gets you more and more in its gripping way of telling the story. For movie fans this is a must-see because this movie is the only movie I've seen which has stripped a picture to its bare essentials.