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和导演埃里克·侯麦往常的影片一样,该片讲述了一个女孩徘徊在多个男人之间企图寻找自我的故事,通过人物之间的大量对话细腻而又真实的展现了男人和女人之间充满了变数的感情世界,虽为喜剧,亦展现了情感的无奈和多变,发人深思。   路易斯(帕斯卡·欧吉尔 Pascale Ogier 饰)天性活泼善变,从艺术院校毕业之后,她同对她忠心耿耿的男友订了婚。然而,平静的感情生活让喜欢追求刺激的路易斯感到十分空虚,拥有着姣好面容的她深信自己在异性之中的魅力不减,因此,她义无反顾的决定结束和未婚夫的同居生活,返回巴黎。在那里,珍娜先后邂逅了数个不同的男人,在一连串的矛盾和波折面前,她终于领悟到了什么才是生命中最珍贵的东西。
In the town of Thiers, summer of 1976, teachers and parents give their children skills, love, and attention. A teacher has his first child, a single mother hopes to meet Mr. Right, another mom reaches out to Patrick, a motherless lad who is just discovering the opposite sex. Patrick befriends Julien, a new student who lives in poverty with his mother and has a terrible secret. Bruno shows his friends how to chat up girls. Sylvie stages a witty protest against her parents. Brothers give a friend a haircut. A toddler falls from a window and is unhurt. Everybody goes to the cinema. At camp, Martine catches Patrick's eye. A teacher explains: "Life is hard, but it's wonderful."