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In this very late 60's irreverent, almost anarchic low-budget film, Brian De Palma defines more of his strange, given Hitchcock-like fascination of voyeurism, and attacks the issues of the day. The most prominent of which, both cringe-inducing and just plain funny, is when he focuses on the black-power movement (a black woman handing out fliers asking white people 'do you know what it's like to be black'), which is something that could only work for that time and place, not before or now.   But one of the key things to the interest in the film is 27 year old Robert De Niro (not his first or last film with the director), who plays this character who sits in a room looking out through his telescope at women in their rooms, setting up phony deals, and in the end basically throwing bombs. Those who have said that De Niro can't act and just is himself in every movie should see this movie, if only out of some minor curiosity. A couple of times in the film it's actually not funny, as when there's a disturbance in a black-power meeting (filmed in a grainer, rougher style than the rest of the film).   In the end it's capped off with a rambling monologue in an interview that tops De Niro's in King of Comedy. It's pretty obvious where De Palma's career would go after this, into slightly more mainstream Hollywood territory, but all of his trademarks are here; the dark, almost nail-biting comedy, the perfectly timed style of voyeurism, and interesting usage of locals. Think if De Palma and De Niro did a Monty Python film, only even more low-budget and in its New York way just as off-the-hinges, and you got Hi, Mom! It also contains an eccentric and funny soundtrack.   imdb comment
生活清贫的牛仔乔恩(乔恩·沃伊特 Jon Voight 饰)从老家来到纽约讨生活,他自认为风流倜傥,因此想在纽约当个男妓混口饭吃。当他第一天来到纽约时,就在大街上勾搭女人。不料,人地生疏的他生意不成反而亏了20块钱。沮丧不已的乔恩遇到了专靠骗点小钱为生的里佐(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰),里佐骗乔恩说他认识一个男妓集团的首脑,但要收20元作为中介费。最后里佐只是把乔恩介绍给了一个同性恋的皮条客,愤怒不已的乔恩随后找到了里佐。里佐收留了无家可归的乔恩,两人渐渐成了无所不谈的好朋友。 寒冷的纽约冬天,两人过的十分辛酸,以至于衣食无着,里佐也没有钱买药治病   里佐向往着迈阿密的生活,他邀请乔恩和他一起到迈阿密去闯世界。生活无着的两人这晚来到一家地下酒吧去碰运气,当乔恩终于搞到一单生意后,体力不支的里佐摔下了楼梯。奄奄一息的里佐此时最记挂的仍是迈阿密家乡的阳光,乔为了完成朋友的愿望,开始铤而走险。