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1949年的法国乡村,音乐家克莱门特(热拉尔·朱尼奥 饰)到了一间外号叫“塘低”的男子寄宿学校当助理教师。学校里的学生大部分都是难缠的问题儿童,体罚在这里司空见惯,学校的校长(弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂 饰)只顾自己的前途,残暴高压。   性格沉静的克莱门特尝试用自己的方法改善这种状况,他重新创作音乐作品,组织合唱团,决定用音乐的方法来打开学生们封闭的心灵。   然而,事情并不顺利,克莱门特发现学生皮埃尔·莫安琦(让-巴蒂斯特·莫尼耶 饰)拥有非同一般的音乐天赋,但是单亲家庭长大的他,性格异常敏感孤僻,怎样释放皮埃尔的音乐才能,让克莱门特头痛不已;同时,他与皮埃尔母亲的感情也渐渐微妙起来。
When a young auto salesman is forced to give up a vacation with his wife in order to drive an American car to its new owner who lives on the French Riviera, he makes the best of things. First, he gets and old friend to ride along with him. Then, the two of them are joined by another pair of men who want to ride south. The four of them have a great time, talking about women and fatherhood, among other things...   An entertaining intriguing road movie !