搜索"赫米尔·希尼·古纳森" ,找到 部影视作品

社运者的成母之路!无人能阻挡进击的母亲!五十岁的汉拉,是一位耐心、性格和善的合唱团老师,但她除了老师的身份外,还是位激进的社会运动者。一通电话,带来期待已久的好消息,即将成为人母的她,面对冰岛境内破坏环境的工业发 展,以及孩子的到来,即将成为母亲的她,该如何面对这些生命中的困难与意外?   来自冰岛,曾参与拉斯冯提尔《老板我最大》演出的班尼迪克艾灵森演而优则导,《进击的大妈》为他的第三部长片作品。首部执导的电影作品《爱马士》当年入选金马奇幻影展,深受台湾影迷的喜爱。   2018年10月31日,导演本尼迪克·埃灵格松凭借《战中女人》斩获2018年北欧理事会电影奖(Nordic Council Film Prize)。
A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to an end so the band hires a world renowned cellist in order to save the band. The media goes wild and money starts to flow to the band again. Too bad the cellist is not a very nice person – he is quite the assgrabber and a two faced cheater. Too late to fire the star and the grand concert that will save the band is about to begin when the cellist chokes to death – 15 minutes before the concert. The band decides to risk it all and play the concert with a dead solo artist – not really thinking about how to end such a macabre show.