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Someone is attempting to steal radium stored in a bank. Death by cobra venom connects a number of murders. Charlie investigates.   When three employees of a bank are found murdered with cobra venom, Charlie Chan connects the homicides to a case he had worked in Shanghai in 1937. Even though he arrested the alleged murderer, whom later escaped from the police, Charlie wouldn't be able to recognize him because, at the time of his apprehension, his badly burned face and hands were swathed in bandages. Although Chan believes he is now involved with a gang that is stealing valuable radium from a bank vault, utilizing tunnels that connect to the area sewer system, his new identity remains a mystery. When a detective disguised as a bank guard is found dead in a tunnel by Birmingham, Charlie knows he's on the right track.by:https://www.yuankan.cc/dianying/152377.html
盖伊(杰弗里·亨特 Jeffrey Hunter 饰)在很小的时候就失去了双亲,孤苦伶仃的他被一个美日混合的家庭收养了,就这样,他拥有了两个拥有美国血统的哥哥。在这样的环境中长大的盖伊,同时精通日语和英语。   战争爆发了,盖伊的父母因为他们的血统原因被送进了国际收容所,而他的两个哥哥则作为美国公民参了军,被派往欧洲作战。盖伊因为日语好,被美国海军陆战队招为翻译。美军发动了攻打被日军占领的塞班岛的战役,盖伊也随军出征,眼看着周围的好友们一个又一个的倒在了炮火之中,盖伊感到非常的痛心。他向上级申请,希望上级能够派自己去日军处劝降,避免不必要的伤亡。