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A murderous shapeshifter sets out on a blood-soaked mission to make things right with the woman he loves.
In 1987, NASA astronaut Captain William "Buck" Rogers (Gil Gerard) is piloting the space shuttle Ranger 3 when he flies into an unexpected space phenomenon and is frozen for 504 years. In the year 2491, his shuttle is found drifting in space by the alien flagship Draconia, which is headed to Earth for a trade conference, under the command of Princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley) and her aide-de-camp, Kane (Henry Silva), a former native of Earth. Rogers is revived from his cryogenic sleep and is questioned by the princess and Kane. Princess Ardala is visibly attracted to Buck, though Kane arranges for Buck to be placed back on his shuttle and returned towards Earth.   It turns out that the Draconians are actually planning to conquer Earth through staged pirate attacks on Earth's shipping fleet, forcing Earth to seek a treaty with the Draconians and unwittingly opening up their defenses to the invaders. They plant a homing beacon aboard Rogers' shuttle to track a way through Earth's planet-wide defense shield. Buck lands in New Chicago and is immediately taken into custody by Colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Gray), commander of Earth's military forces. He is interrogated and learns that Earth has been rebuilt over the centuries in his absence following a nuclear holocaust, and now much of Earth outside this huge city is a desolate, radioactive wasteland. Over the course of his time in detention, Buck meets Dr. Elias Huer (Tim O'Connor) the leader of Earth's Defense Directorate, the AI computer Dr. Theopolis, and the robot drone Twiki (voice of Mel Blanc), most of whom attempt to help him adjust to his current surroundings.   While recounting his encounter with the Draconians, Buck notices several discrepancies and suspects that the Draconians must be armed, contrary to the terms of the trade meeting. Against advice, Buck ventures outside the city to the ruins of old Chicago in an attempt to find out that what he has been told is real, eventually finding his own parents' grave and having to be rescued by Wilma and her troops from the mutants inhabiting the ruins. Following Buck's return to the Inner City, the Draconian tracking device is found aboard his shuttle, and the authorities accuse Buck of espionage and sentence him to death. Buck claims that the Draconians simply used him, and eventually Wilma persuades Dr. Huer to prove Buck's claims by requesting a meeting with Princess Ardala and Kane aboard the Draconia. During the meeting, the pirate ships (actually Draconian marauders) attack their flagship as a diversion, but Buck manages to destroy them single-handedly, thus earning Wilma's respect.   At the official diplomatic reception on Earth, Ardala, still attracted to Buck, invites him back to the Draconia. Buck uses the invitation to go aboard and find out the truth behind the Draconians' scheme. On the ship, Ardala informs Buck she needs a man such as him to rule by her side and offers Buck the position. After drugging Ardala, Buck explores the ship and discovers their marauders and plans to launch an imminent attack on Earth. Dr. Theopolis and Twiki, who have followed Buck aboard, eventually meet up with him and alert Earth to the Draconian invasion. Wilma immediately scrambles Earth's starfighters and attacks the Draconia, while Buck sabotages the Draconian marauders prepared to attack Earth and fights off Ardala's bodyguard, Tigerman. During the battle, the Draconia is critically damaged, but Buck, Theopolis and Twiki are rescued by Wilma before the ship explodes. Ardala and Kane also escape before the Draconia's destruction in an escape shuttle, while Kane vows to return and to take his revenge on Rogers.by:www.mke6.com
Raymond runs an organic egg farm in Brittany, France. He also entertains a secret passion for theater and in particular for the play Cyrano de Bergerac, which he recites to his favorite and only audience: his hens! When his main egg buyer walks out on him, his entire life goes haywire. Desperate to save his farm, he takes on the crazy challenge of turning his love for theater into a series of internet performances starring himself and his best friend, the hen Roxane!   When he posts his first video on YouTube, his friends and family are aghast. But what a stroke of luck when his eccentric neighbor Wendy, a British ex-pat, turns out to be a theater scholar! With her unexpected help Raymond works hard to improve his performances and create a buzz. Can he save his farm, family and marriage by making Roxane and his chicken farm famous?
乔尔(托马斯·南吉乔尔 Thomas N'Gijol 饰)和瑞吉斯(法布里斯·厄部埃 Fabrice Eboué 饰)是同父异母的兄弟。乔尔是一个地地道道的黑人,他痛恨自己的血统和外貌,将自己人生的全部失败都归结于种族歧视之中。瑞吉斯虽然没有乔尔这么“黑”,但他同样不愿意承认自己拥有一半的黑人血统,兄弟两人之间的关系也十分的糟糕。   某日,传来了两人父亲去世的消息,父亲留下了一笔遗产,为了争夺这份遗产,兄弟两人之间发生了激烈的冲突,并且惹出了非常多的麻烦。这一切都被一位神秘的老妇人看在眼底,为了给兄弟两人一个教训,老妇人将他们传送回了奴隶年代,两兄弟成为了奴隶市场里挂牌出售的“商品”。
康拉德(Klaus Löwitsch 饰)是前东德人民军特种部队的一名老兵。他受在阿富汗阵亡的战友之托,照顾战友的儿子罗伯特(托马斯·克莱舒曼 饰)。两德统一后,康拉德在一家大型能源企业担任保安,而安保主管正是罗伯特。在某新型能源系统上线前夜,一批对西德不满的前东德犯罪分子谋划破坏这一系统的上线,意外地被罗伯特撞线。接着,罗伯特惊讶地发现,康拉德居然是这些犯罪者的内应......