搜索"塔纳通·萨南卡尼功" ,找到 部影视作品

你是否还能回想起那些令人怀念的过去?在那段岁月里,总是急切盼望着能收到心爱之人的回信。亲笔信、MSN、黑莓、LINE……尽管时过境迁,但讯息总能传达我们的爱意。可是,当沟通让我们变得更近的同时,心与心的距离是否有所疏远?   Are you still able to recall those nostalgic days when you'd anxiously anticipate that much-awaited reply from the one you loved? Handwritten letters. MSN Messenger. Blackberry. LINE. Even though times have changed, messages have always allowed us to convey our feelings of love. But while communication helps bring us closer, does it also somehow deepen the distance between our hearts?