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故事发生在二十世纪初的墨西哥革命中。一辆长途马车里,高贵的先生女士们对一位沉默寡言的农民大放厥词,然而突然农民摇身一变,显出家庭式匪帮头目胡安(Rod Steiger 饰)的真面目。胡安打劫后路遇爱尔兰革命军爆破专家约翰(James Coburn 饰),后者的爆破能力令抢劫梅萨维德银行如探囊取物,于是胡安苦苦尾随,不经意间却卷入了配合维拉革命军的梅萨维德暴动。胡安如愿与约翰搭档洗劫银行,但他所有的收获却是解放150名政治犯人。   政府军上校刚特率军镇压革命,胡安与革命队伍付出了惨痛的代价。在逆境中,约翰与胡安产生了真正的革命情谊,二人在前往美国的路上折返阻击刚特上校,当约翰中弹之时,这位老战士看到了昔日在爱尔兰的温馨场景……本片获1972年意大利大卫奖最佳导演奖。
In 1912, five beautiful easy women are kidnapped and the efficient Inspector Tanner, who is engaged of Wanda Bronsky, is assigned to the case. The responsible for the abductions is Dr. Orloff, a former prison doctor, and his deformed assistant Morpho Lodner, who was a prisoner sentenced to death and revived by Dr. Orloff, that bring the women to the Hartog Castle to remove the skin of his victims to repair the face of his daughter that was burned in a fire. When Wanda decides to help her beloved fiancé to find the criminal, she becomes the next victim of Dr. Orloff. Now Inspector Tanner's last chance to find Dr. Orloff relies on the lead of the drunkard Jeannot.