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Sue is helping her father running an old pork noodle soup restaurant in a sleepy town. In spite of her inexperience of air travel or abroad, she secretly has been preparing for a scholarship program to study in Finland. Although she doesn’t have a significant life goal, she believes studying abroad might enlighten her to find a dream. With her friends, she is spending her last week in the hometown filling the checklist in, exchanging money and packing her luggage up. Her father eventually finds out her plan and gets worried about her future. On a journey that she might never return, she reflects he relationship with friends, love, and family, sometimes with arguments or reconciling and embracement to build herself up as the protagonist of her own life.
诺尔(沃拉娜特·旺萨莞 Woranuch Wongsawan 饰)是一名陪酒女朗,整日混迹于灯红酒绿的夜店欢场之中,虽然身边熙熙攘攘,但诺尔感到非常的孤独,她渴望平静的生活,渴望一份纯真的感情。没事的时候,诺尔喜欢听一档名为《流金岁月》的电台节目,只有在滋滋跳动的电台频率之中,诺尔才能得到一丝短暂的安慰。   宋巴特(派特察泰·王卡姆劳 Petchtai Wongkamlao 饰)是一位出租车司机,每天驾驶着自己的一辆小车,穿梭在大街小巷。虽然汽车的后座上每日都会载许多的客人,但大部分人都不会和宋巴特讲话,车内唯一的响声,就是车载广播里所传出的声音。这一天,诺尔坐上了宋巴特的车,两颗孤独的心在深夜的曼谷街头汇聚。