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泰国电影《挛凤和鸣》由一个婚礼开始。五位职业女性大胆谈情说性,对性这个话题毫不避讳,极度渴望,就像美国电视剧《色欲都市》,大声高呼“新时代,新女性”,为泰国电影中少见。导演翁乙喜欢以同性恋为题材,其中最为人熟悉的可算是《人妖打排球》。翁乙对同性恋一直抱开放的态度,认为别 人的看法并不重要,最重要是了解自己,知道自己想要甚幺。他善于以风趣幽默的手法,利用同性恋炮制抵死笑话,但信息都是正面的。《挛凤和鸣》就是关于几个好姊妹测试男主角是否孪男的故事,弄出不少笑料。   子光细心又体贴,衣着有品味,靓仔又有风度,这样的好男人简直是世间少有,难怪夏萍只是跟他拍拖三个月就决定要结婚。“真的有这种绝种好男人?”夏萍的四位好友慧兰、阿莲、阿璧、楼亦菲深信天下乌鸦一样黑,细心整齐绝非男人所为,所以怀疑子光是挛的,结婚只为隐瞒性取向﹗为怕好友嫁错郎,四人组成秘密调查小组四出查探,潜入疑犯屋企搜集证据、到疑犯曾就读的学校侦查……
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The Last Ocean The Ross Sea, Antarctica is the most pristine stretch of ocean on Earth. A vast, frozen landscape that teems with life - whales, seals and penguins carving out a place on the very edge of existence. Californian ecologist David Ainley has been traveling to the Ross Sea to study this unique ecosystem for more than thirty years. He has written scientific papers describing it as a 'living laboratory'. Largely untouched by humans, it is one of the last places where the delicate balance of nature prevails. But an international fishing fleet has recently found its way to the Ross Sea. It is targeting Antarctic toothfish, sold as Chilean Seabass in up-market restaurants around the world. The catch is so lucrative it is known as white gold. Ainley knows that unless fishing is stopped the natural balance of the Ross Sea will be lost forever. He rallies his fellow scientists and meets up with a Colorado nature photographer and New Zealand filmmaker who also share a deep passion for this pristine corner of the world. All want to stop fishing and protect this last pristine ecosystem. Together they form 'the Last Ocean' and begin a campaign taking on the commercial fishers and governments in a race to protect Earth's last untouched ocean from our insatiable appetite for fish.
汉娜·李·贝克是一个明亮的十几岁的女孩被困在暴力和枪支,冰毒实验室和恶性骑摩托车帮派,而其唯一的避难所是国际象棋的黑暗南方黑道。她与琥珀,她的姐姐,和她的叔叔唐尼,一个吸毒者。每个人都生活在恐惧之中叔叔弗兰克·斯廷森,谁运行非法的家族企业以铁腕,他的精神病的弟弟鲍比辅助 的。事情变坏时,琥珀爱上野生比尔,一个甲基毒贩谁发现自己在与弗兰克战争。汉娜认识到拯救她的家庭的唯一途径是通过巧妙策划坑一兵对抗另一个狡猾的棋局。
Haejin Park, a trauma therapist, is forced to face her family's darkest past when she returns to her childhood countryside-farm to console her heartbroken younger sister.