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György Fehér是匈牙利电影长镜头学派的另一位大师级导演,与杨索属同代人,可惜他的作品很少而且极难看到。。。   If you like to see what movies are really about (i.e. moving)you should see szurkulet. This highly original and intense film is an exercise in style 'pur sang'. The story is loosely based on 'es geschah am hellichten Tag' by Friedrich Durrenmatt. But how the story is told is the most important part here. In a shadowish black and white twilight we see the story unfold in very (and I mean very) slow moving breathtaking camera movements over different scenes. This means that the whole movie exists out of less then 50 shots, without making unnessecary cuts. Orson Wells eat your heart out. Every scene tells the viewer another part of the puzzle and so the story gets you more and more in its gripping way of telling the story. For movie fans this is a must-see because this movie is the only movie I've seen which has stripped a picture to its bare essentials.
一个位于匈牙利平原上的小镇迎来了一个马戏团,最为独特的是这个马戏团有一条鲸鱼的尸体和一个神秘的王子。自从这个马戏团来到这个小镇,所有的秩序都收到干扰,最终爆发了一场暴利与善良的冲突……   幕后制作   前后制作长达四年,只有39个镜头,却与七个不同的摄影师合作,从美国、匈牙利、德国、法国等,以不同摄影师的独特风格创造出不同的精采片段,剧情以轮转式的从某一个角色的观点游移到另一个角色,鲸鱼马戏团在小镇上的出现,超过六百名的非职业临时演员,融合了早期纪录剧情片式的真实,加上精准的场面调度及强烈的视觉风格,以表现出东欧社会的现况,一块身处在欧洲社会的中央,却是国际社会最边缘局外的景况。